Dried Banana Chips


**Contact hello@truefarms.co for pallet pricing**

Product Description:

Indulge in the natural sweetness and tropical delight of our Premium Dried Banana Chips. Carefully selected and expertly dried, these crispy and flavorful chips offer a wholesome and convenient snack that captures the essence of ripe bananas in every bite.

Product Characteristics:

Exceptional Quality: Our dried banana chips are crafted from premium bananas, chosen for their exceptional flavor and satisfying crunch. Each chip represents the natural goodness of ripe bananas.

Natural Sweetness: We maintain the natural sweetness of bananas by avoiding additives or artificial sweeteners. These chips are a pure and wholesome snack.


  • Nutrient-Rich: Banana chips are a nutrient-dense snack, containing essential vitamins and minerals like potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6.

  • Satisfying Crunch: The satisfying crunch of these chips makes them a delightful alternative to traditional snacks, satisfying your cravings with wholesome goodness.

Usage Suggestions:

Snacking: Enjoy these crispy and naturally sweet banana chips straight from the bag as a satisfying and nutritious snack any time of the day.

Trail Mix: Add dried banana chips to your favorite trail mix for a tropical twist that complements nuts, seeds, and other dried fruits.

Baking: Incorporate banana chips into muffins, cookies, or granola bars for an extra layer of natural sweetness and texture.

Topping: Sprinkle on yogurt, oatmeal, or ice cream to enhance texture and taste.

Product Specifications:

Quantity: Available in various sizes to suit your snacking preferences.

Ingredients: 100% Dried Banana Chips

Packaging: Resealable bag for preserving freshness and crunch.

Order Your Premium Dried Banana Chips Today:

Experience the pure and tropical delight of our Premium Dried Banana Chips. Whether you're seeking a satisfying snack, a versatile ingredient for baking, or a crunchy topping for your favorite dishes, these chips offer the natural sweetness and crispiness of ripe bananas with every bite. Order now and enjoy the wholesome goodness of dried banana chips.